Friday, July 18, 2014

You are what you eat

We've heard this phrase so many times. When I found the Mary Jane Farm magazine and realized that people today lived such wholesome life styles and all the feelings I've had, I found kindred spirits. Then I realized one could communicate, join groups on Facebook and join a Sisterhood. All things circled around me and I felt at home.
Jon with his nephews Kenny & Dylan

You have no idea how I wish my son could have found such a place and peace in his life. He's a bachelor. Doesn't always cook. Eats out a lot. He's been diagnosed with a rare and terminal form of cancer. I didn't know how cancer cells form and grow. I've done a lot of research. If we can balance vitamins and minerals in our bodies, these nasty little cells can't grow. Their instructions about their lives have been altered. They do not have the command to self-destruct as other cells do. What changes a cell that once had these instructions to one that does not? Chemicals.
I now look at everything in my home, everything we consume as food, everything. He is coming home to recuperate and die. This is hard. Very hard to deal with. I'm a fighter. I want to kill cancer cells the only way I know how. My son will get the best food possible. I have already changed so much in my home to keep bad stuff out: different natural soaps and cleaning solutions. There have been so many changes in our food collection, cooking and consumption. My eyes are wide open. I'm looking at so many options and am making even more changes.
I'll be very quiet from now on. I am waging war. I need to put all my energies to that. Wish me luck and pray with me for a miracle. My son is one of the best human beings I've ever known. I'm not saying that because I'm his Mom, he truly is. A rare specimen.

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