Monday, December 29, 2014

Wow! 2015 Coming Fast

Where did 2014 go? I just read another FarmGirl's view of the coming new year. Take life slowly she says. Good advice, I think. There's more to it than what she covered. In my life, death is trying to stalk us. My son's cancer is still there. It makes us look at life very differently. So, how to approach 2015? Savor every moment Dori advises. Be spontaneous. Savor every moment.
This Christmas I really didn't want any gifts. They became meaningless. I wanted to see and be with my family. We were together, all of us. How beautiful it was. I did savor. I took some photos. Photos will be important later, memories will be cherished. Feelings were shared and welcomed. It was sweet, it was heartwarming. Why haven't we done this before? Treasured feelings. In the past, they came in like breezes and left. Now they arrive as arrows aimed straight at the heart and there they stay.
I cannot take life for granted. I know that now. The road in 2015 will be different. I will take it slowly. I won't miss an opportunity to let someone know I care about them.
To those of you who read this, please know I wish you the very best 2015. Your happiness is important. Keep well, keep wise, and let's all savor every moment we can.......

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